Dear Filmmaking Community,

FilmNorth joins our community and the world in feeling a sense of relief that there was accountability for the murder of George Floyd. As the prosecution stated, we could believe our eyes—and we have Darnella Frazier to thank for that. But it’s important to temper our gratitude with the sobering thought of where we would be today without that video. It’s a reminder of the great need for witnesses to history—like Darnella—and of the world-changing impact that one person with a camera can have.
In the wake of the jury’s ruling we’re also reminded that our work to shape a more equitable and just future—the Great Challenge of our lives—is far from over. At FilmNorth we recently completed work on a Theory of Change, a document that outlines the change we want to see in the world and how our organization can help get us there—by empowering people to tell their stories and lifting up those voices that need to be heard. We’ve now formed a committee to chart a path forward, with this Theory of Change as our North Star. Yes, it’s just one small act. But we all all have a part to play in this profound story—and, as we say in filmmaking, we say so here: there are no small parts. We all have to show up and do what we can. 
With our eyes on a shared goal it's our deepest hope that Minnesota can be the epicenter for change. One act at a time.
Please be kind to yourselves and others,
Andrew Peterson, Executive Director