Industry Sponsorship

Sponsorship is an opportunity for your company to align with FilmNorth, an indispensable player on the Minnesota film scene. Your sponsorship helps FilmNorth advance its mission to strengthen and help grow independent film through youth programs, classes, annual Filmmaker Conference, grants, networking opportunities, and monthly Cinema Lounge screenings.

Sponsorship Benefits

$250 level

2 standard memberships at $85 each
sponsor board at FilmNorth
listing on FilmNorth website

$500 level

1 top-level ($200) plus 2 standard ($85) memberships
ability to purchase unlimited other memberships at $55 each
logo and listing on our website with link
1x a year promo in E-Flash
sponsor board at FilmNorth
sponsor board at Filmmaker’s Conference

$1,000 level

4 top-level ($200) memberships
ability to purchase unlimited other memberships at $55 each
spotlight on our website
1x a year promo in E-Flash
sponsor board at FilmNorth
sponsor board at Filmmaker’s Conference
sponsor board at networking events
slide at Cinema Lounge
logo in class brochure 1x/year (circulation 3,000)

$2,500 level

6 top-level ($200) memberships
ability to purchase unlimited other memberships at $55 each
spotlight on our website
1x a year promo in E-Flash
sponsor board at FilmNorth
sponsor board at Filmmaker’s Conference
sponsor board at networking events
slide at Cinema Lounge
logo in each class brochure (circulation 12,000)
Incredibly Fun Party recognition
sponsorship credit at one FilmNorth Pro event

Sponsorship contact

Andrew Peterson, Executive Director

See our sponsors and donors here.