
The Roderick Cox Music Initiative


The Roderick Cox Music (RCMI) Initiative began in 2019 as a program to nurture the next generation of musicians and conductors ages 12-18 through music scholarships to underserved youth of color in the Twin Cities. Each scholarship is given to a promising student who aspires to have a future in classical music. Funds from the RCMI are designated for summer camps, instrument repair/purchases, advanced training programs, private lessons, and mentorship by Roderick Cox and professional musicians in the area. The goal of RCMI is to help make the pathway for young musicians of color a little easier by alleviating financial burden, and providing the necessary networking and training needed to be a successful musician.

RCMI awarded $35,000 in 2020 and 2021 and has partnered with WalkerWest Music Academy and MacPhail Center for Music.

Two panels. Roderick Cox standing with a young girl musician. A smiling teenage girl musician sitting in front of a drum set.

2022 RCMI Scholarship Recipients

Walker West Music Academy

Ream Hashel, 18 (Violin), Wacheke Njoroge,16 (Violin) Rachel Hashel, 16 (Violin), Kamau Pegg-Rodriguez, 15 (Violin), Thomas Bates, 14, (Violin), Keziah Fierst, 13 (Violin)

MacPhail Center for Music

Marley Christian, 17 (cello), Ian de la Cruz, 14 (cello), Francisca Jabana, 17 (violin), Dontevion Wilson, 17 (violin)


2021 RCMI Scholarship Recipients

Walker West Music Academy

Asla Hashel (viola) 12th grade, Rachel Hashel (violin) 8th grade, Thomas Bates (violin) 6th grade,
Kamau Rodriguez-Pegg (violin) 7th grade, Wacheke Njoroge (violin) 9th grade, Ream Hashel  (violin) 11th grade

MacPhail Center for Music

J’Kwon Anderson (violin) 9th grade, Marley Christian (cello) 10th grade, Dontevion Wilson (violin) 9th grade


2020 RCMI Scholarship Recipients

Walker West Music Academy

Rachel Hashel (13)/violin, Asia Hashel (16)/viola, Thomas Bates (11), violin, Ariam Hashel (18) viola

MacPhail Center for Music

Dontevion Wilson (13)/ violin, Marley Christian (14)/ cello, J’Kwon Anderson (13)/ violin

Conducting Life Documentary

The Story

The Conducting Life documentary, filmed over 7 years by filmmaker Diane Moore, follows the musical and personal journey of conductor Roderick Cox from his childhood in Macon, Georgia into the classical musical world, observing firsthand what it takes to succeed at the highest levels in the intensively competitive profession of orchestral conducting.

More about Conducting Life Documentary:
More about Roderick Cox:


Learn about RCMI Educational Partners

Walker West Music Academy:
Macphail Music Center: