
FilmNorth’s Position on NEA Restrictions

Dear Community,

At this perilous point in our nation’s history, silence is not an option. Our organization, our mission and values, our members, our friends, and our community are under attack.

We stand with every person and every organization whose very existence is being challenged by this Administration, which seeks to diminish, injure, punish, and disenfranchise those who dare to embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). If this country ever deserved to be called great it is when we lift up, support, and celebrate one another.

As artists we serve as mirrors and candles to society. Our work holds up a mirror to us so we can see ourselves as we truly are. The good, the bad, and the ugly. And as candles our work illuminates the dark corners of our experiences, our stories, our history—lighting the way forward. Democracy dies in darkness. Truth is only found in the light.

FilmNorth is one of many Minnesota artists and organizations to receive funding from the NEA for programming to be presented in 2025. Two of our programs are affected: one for an Indigenous Workforce Training program in partnership with Migizi, and another for professional development programs including our 4th annual Inclusive and Socially Conscious Filmmaking Lab, which is designed to help filmmakers at any stage of their career practice greater inclusive and socially responsible filmmaking and become leaders of change in our field.

Although both of these contracts were congressionally approved and fully executed, the language in these extant contracts has now been retroactively amended to require blind compliance with all current and future Executive Orders, explicitly stating that we must “certify that [we] do not operate any programs promoting DEI.” As you can see by this language, the intention is not just to change the grant-funded programs, but our entire organization’s mission and values.

We will not comply. We will not accept these terms or the funds bound to them. 

We take cold comfort in knowing that we are not alone in this immediate and brutal assault. Our many collaborators and stakeholders represent and serve the diverse communities that truly make Minnesota and our country great. FilmNorth will rally to work with these partners to organize in the hopes that together we can do more than any one of us can do individually.

We will fight, as long and as hard as we can. Please support us.

What can you do?

• NEA funds make up 10% of our 2025 year’s budget and we are anticipating even more shortfalls as a result of current and future Executive Orders. If you are able to donate, please consider supporting our programming and our efforts to empower every artist to tell their story.

• This also means we will not receive any federal funds as we finish the Capital Campaign for our new building, which support Minnesota artists without qualification. 

• Spread the word that this is happening—not just to FilmNorth but to every artist and arts organization with an existing or pending NEA contract. It’s impacting our communities, our neighbors, social service and health care providers, and so many more—including everyone who identifies as Black, Indigenous and people of color, people with a disability, undocumented, rural, low income, and LGBTQIA2S+ people, women, and those embodying intersections of these identities. 

• Contact your elected officials and ask that they stand against this tyranny. 

• Ask your friends, family, and colleagues to support the causes that matter to you and directly impact your life and those that you care about.