FilmNorth Awarded $2 Million for New Media Arts Center Construction

We did it! The 2022 Minnesota legislative session closed with the passage of a Capital Investment bill, which awarded FilmNorth $2 million toward our new media arts center currently under construction at 2441 University Ave W in Saint Paul’s Creative Enterprise Zone.

It takes a strong, organized, and united team to accomplish something of this magnitude—and we couldn’t have achieved this result without the support of our amazing community. To everyone who wrote their legislators letters of support—thank you!!!

Every letter made a difference. You not only showed that FilmNorth matters, but that filmmaking matters—to you as artists, to young people participating in our youth programs, to seniors exploring their personal stories through our Stories 55 workshops, to people recovering from traumatic injuries through our innovative partnership with the Courage Kenny Institute, to the region’s media arts industry, and to Minnesota’s vital creative economy and our quality of life.

We look forward to expanding and deepening our work with you and Minnesota’s diverse communities —and welcoming everyone to your beautiful, new arts center opening in 2024.

Thank you!!!
The Staff & Board of FilmNorth